1 Introduction
1.1 Overview of the Chapters
1.2 Guide to the Book
2 Background and Previous Work
2.1 Background
2.1.1 Single-Shot Normal-Form Game
2.1.2 Repeated Games
2.2 Cooperative Multiagent Systems
2.2.1 Achieving Nash Equilibrium
2.2.2 Achieving Fairness
2.2.3 Achieving Social Optimality
2.3 Competitive Multiagent Systems
2.3.1 Achieving Nash Equilibrium
2.3.2 Maximizing Individual Benefits
2.3.3 Achieving Pareto-Optimality
3 Fairness in Cooperative Multiagent Systems
3.1 An Adaptive Periodic Strategy for Achieving Fairness
3.1.1 Motivation
3.1.2 Problem Specification
3.1.3 An Adaptive Periodic Strategy
3.1.4 Properties of the Adaptive Strategy
3.1.5 Experimental Evaluations
3.2 Game-Theoretic Fairness Models
3.2.1 Incorporating Fairness into Agent Interactions
Modeled as Two-Player Normal-Form Games
3.2.2 Incorporating Fairness into Infinitely Repeated
Games with Conflicting Interests for Conflict Elimination
4 Social Optimality in Cooperative Multiagent Systems
4.1 Reinforcement Social Learning of Coordination
in Cooperative Games
4.1.1 Social Learning Framework
4.1.2 Experimental Evaluations
4.2 Reinforcement Social Learning of Coordination
in General-Sum Games
4.2.1 Social Learning Framework
4.2.2 Analysis of the Learning Performance Under
the Social Learning Framework
4.2.3 Experimental Evaluations
4.3 Achieving Socially Optimal Allocations Through Negotiation
4.3.1 Multiagent Resource Allocation Problem
Through Negotiation
4.3.2 The APSOPA Protocol to Reach Socially Optimal
4.3.3 Convergence of APSOPA to Socially Optimal Allocation..
4.3.4 Experimental Evaluation
5 Individual Rationality in Competitive Multiagent Systems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Negotiation Model
5.3 ABiNeS: An Adaptive Bilateral Negotiating Strategy
5.3.1 Acceptance-Threshold (AT) Component
5.3.2 Next-Bid (NB) Component
5.3.3 Acceptance-Condition (AC) Component
5.3.4 Termination-Condition (TC) Component
5.4 Experimental Simulations and Evaluations
5.4.1 Experimental Settings
5.4.2 Experimental Results and Analysis: Efficiency
5.4.3 Detailed Analysis of ABiNeS Strategy
5.4.4 The Empirical Game-Theoretic Analysis: Robustness
5.5 Conclusion
6 Social Optimality in Competitive Multiagent Systems
6.1 Achieving Socially Optimal Solutions in the Context
of Infinitely Repeated Games
6.1.1 Learning Environment and Goal
6.1.2 TaFSO: A Learning Approach Toward SOSNE Outcomes:
6.1.3 Experimental Simulations
6.2 Achieving Socially Optimal Solutions in the Social
Learning Framework
6.2.1 Social Learning Environment and Goal
6.2.2 Learning Framework
6.2.3 Experimental Simulations
7 Conclusion
A The 57 Structurally Distinct Games