Dermatovenerology is a broad and comprehensive second-level clinical disapline with relatively independent professional knowledge system and research direction. Dermatovenerology consists of dermatology and venerology. Dermatology is a science dealing with skin and related diseases. Its contents include not only the structure and function of normal skin and appendage, but also the etiology,pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention ofvarious skin and appendage related diseases. Venerology is a science that studies sexually transmitted diseases, including pathogenic microorganism, pathogenesis, transnussion route, clinical manifestation,diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various sexually transmitted diseases. The book aims to aid undergraduate medical students to establish the principal conceptions of the structures and functions of skin, and readily to understand how the skin diseases occur and develop, and how to treat and prevent these diseases.
Dermatovenerology is a broad and comprehensive second-level clinical disapline with relatively independent professional knowledge system and research direction. Dermatovenerology consists of dermatology and venerology. Dermatology is a science dealing with skin and related diseases. Its contents include not only the structure and function of normal skin and appendage, but also the etiology,pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention ofvarious skin and appendage related diseases. Venerology is a science that studies sexually transmitted diseases, including pathogenic microorganism, pathogenesis, transnussion route, clinical manifestation,diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various sexually transmitted diseases. The book aims to aid undergraduate medical students to establish the principal conceptions of the structures and functions of skin, and readily to understand how the skin diseases occur and develop, and how to treat and prevent these diseases.
I am grateful for the editors. With the collaborations of the team members, we gained rich experience in tutoring the international students, which is beneficial for me to write the book. I also thank those who provide the aids in publishing this book, including Overseas Education College ofjiangsu University, the editor Ms. Zhong Hui and Dr. Ji Jiang of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Dr. Chen Xiaodong of the Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Dr. Zhong Liansheng of the Afliliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Dr. Chen Juping of the Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University, Mr. Abdur. rahim. zar and Mr. Michael Adu-Frimpong for their reviews and comments of the manuscript.
篇\t 急救技术
讲 心肺复苏术(CPR)
第二讲 心脏电复律术…
第三讲 亚低温治疗技术
第四讲 异物卡喉急救术
-------海姆立克手法( Heimlich maneuver)
第五讲 人工气道管理和简易呼吸器的使用
第六讲 氧气疗法
第七讲 呼吸机使用技术
第八讲 深静脉置管术
第九讲 心脏体外临时起搏术
第十讲 急诊静脉通路的建立及容量复苏
第十一讲 无创和有创血流动力学监测
第十二讲 急诊溶栓
第十三讲 血液净化技术
第十四讲 洗胃术
第十五讲 胃肠减压术
第十六讲 三腔两囊管应用技术
第十七讲 胸腔穿刺术
第十八讲 胸腔闭式引流术
第十九讲 腹腔穿刺术
第二十讲 导尿术
第二十一讲 清创术
第二十二讲 创伤急救五大技术
第二十三讲 B超诊断在急诊中的临床应用及意义
第二十四讲 纤维支气管镜在急诊医学中的应用
第二十五讲 急诊床旁即刻检验技术(POCT)
第二十六讲 常用急救药物
第二篇 危害村镇居民最大的18种急危重病症
章 休克总论
第二章 过敏性休克
第三章 急性冠状动脉综合征
第四章 急性心力衰竭
第五章 严重心律失常
第六章 窒息
第七章 急性呼吸衰竭
第八章 脑卒中
第九章 急性大略血
第十章 上消化道出血
第十一章 多发伤
第十二章 淹溺
第十三章 电击伤
第十四章 中暑
第十五章 急性有机确农药中毒
第十六章 异位妊娠
第十七章 体液平衡与失衡(简述版)
第十八章 心博呼吸骤停