应用语言学研习丛书:二语能力测试 从二语习得视角研究(英文版)
定 价:42 元
- 作者:帕斯卡莱·勒塞尔克 等 编
- 出版时间:2016/7/1
- ISBN:9787544643931
- 出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社
- 中图法分类:H09
- 页码:228
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
“应用语言学研习丛书”是外教社引进出版的一套全新的应用语言学学术丛书。《应用语言学研习丛书:二语能力测试 从二语习得视角研究(英文版)》收录了一系列论文,关注在欧洲共同语言量表内的第二语言能力的测试方法,从心理学、社会语言学等角度审视教学评估和测试。
1 How to Assess L2 Proficiency? An Overview of Proficiency Assessment Research
Pascale Leclercq and Amanda Edmonds
Part 1: General Considerations for L2 Assessment
1 Oral Fluency and Spoken Proficiency: Considerations for Research and Testing
Heather Hilton
3 Multiple Assessments of Oral Proficiency: Evidence from a Collaborative Platform
4 Using Learner Corpora for Testing and Assessing L2 Proficiency Marcus Callies, Maria BelCh Dfez-Bedmar and Eleaterina Zaytseva
Part 2: Language Processing and L2 Proficiency
5 Listening Comprehension: Processing Demands and Assessment Issues
6 A Psycholinguistic Measurement of Second Language Proficiency: The Coefficient of Variation
7 Evaluating the Workings of Bilingual Memory with a Translation Recognition Task
Dominique Bairstow, Jean-Marc Lavaur, Jannika Laxen and Xavier Aparicio
Part 3: Focused Assessment Instruments
8'Repeat as Much as You Can': Elicited Imitation as a Measure of Oral Proficiency in L2 French
Nicole Tracy-Ventura, Kevin McManus, John M. Norris and Lourdes Ortega
9 Exploring the Acquisition of the French Subjunctive: Local Syntactic Context or Oral Proficiency?
Kevin McManus, Nicole Tracy-Ventura, Rosamond Mitchell, Laurence Richard and Patricia Romero de Mills
10 Testing L2 Listening Proficiency: Reviewing Standardized Tests Within a Competence-Based Framework
11 Assessing Language Dominance with the Bilingual Language Profile
Libby M. Gertken, Mark Amengual and David Birdsong