评估语言:英语评价系统(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库 升级版)
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- 作者: J. R. Martin,P. R. R. White 著
- 出版时间:2021/9/1
- ISBN:9787521329568
- 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 中图法分类:H31
- 页码:328
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 版次:1
- 开本:16开
适读人群 :学生,教师
J. R. 马丁(J. R. Martin)是当代知名语言学家、语言评价理论和积极性话语分析理论的创始人,悉尼学派语类研究领头人。
P. R. R. 怀特(P. R. R. White)在澳大利亚阿德莱德大学语言学系担任讲师,曾在澳大利亚的报纸和电台担任过记者和编辑。
List of Figures xxvii
List of Tables xxix
Acknowledgements xxx
Preface xxxi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Modelling appraisal resources 1
1.2 Appraisal in a functional model of language 7
1.3 Situating appraisal in SFL 33
1.4 Appraisal - an overview 34
1.5 Appraisal and other traditions of evaluative language analysis 38
1.6 Outline of this book 40
2 Attitude: Ways of Feeling 42
2.1 Kinds of feeling 42
2.2 Affect 45
2.3 Judgement 52
2.4 Appreciation 56
2.5 Borders 58
2.6 Indirect realisations 61
2.7 Beyond attitude 68
2.8 Analysing attitude 69
3 Engagement and Graduation: Alignment, Solidarity and the Construed Reader 92
3.1 Introduction: a dialogic perspective 92
3.2 Value position, alignment and the putative reader 95
3.3 The resources of intersubjective stance: an overview of engagement 97
3.4 Engagement and the dialogistic status of bare assertions 98
3.5 Heteroglossia: dialogic contraction and expansion 102
3.6 Entertain: the dialogistic expansiveness of modality and evidentiality 104
3.7 Dialogistic expansion through the externalized proposition – attribution 111
3.8 The resources of dialogic contraction - overview: disclaim and proclaim 117
3.9 Disclaim: deny (negation) 118
3.10 Disclaim: counter 120
3.11 Proclaim: concur, pronounce and endorse 121
3.12 Proclaim: concur 122
3.13 Proclaim: endorsement 126
3.14 Proclaim: pronounce 127
3.15 Engagement, intertextuality and the grammar of reported speech 133
3.16 Graduation: an overview 135
3.17 Graduation: focus 137
3.18 Graduation: force - intensification and quantification 140
3.19 Force: intensification 141
3.20 Force: quantification 148
3.21 Force (intensification and quantification), attitude and writer-reader relationships 152
3.22 Analysing intersubjective positioning 153
4 Evaluative Key: Taking a Stance 161
4.1 Introduction 161
4.2 Evaluative key in journalistic discourse - the ‘voices’ of news, analysis and commentary 164
4.3 Evaluative key and the discourses of secondary-school history 184
4.4 Stance 186
4.5 Signature 203
4.6 Evaluation and reaction 206
4.7 Coda ... 207
5 Enacting Appraisal: Text Analysis 210
5.1 Appraising discourse 210
5.2 War or Peace: a rhetoric of grief and hatred 212
5.3 Mourning: an unfortunate case of keystone cops 234
5.4 Envoi 260
References 262
Index 274