定 价:208 元
- 作者:朱旭峰
- 出版时间:2022/2/1
- ISBN:9787300301631
- 出 版 社:中国人民大学出版社
- 中图法分类:C932.82
- 页码:248
- 纸张:
- 版次:1
- 开本:16
朱旭峰 清华大学公共管理学院副院长,教授、博士生导师,兼任清华大学全球可持续发展研究院执行院长、公共管理学院智库研究中心主任,并担任多本国内外期刊 编委和多家重要智库学术委员会委员。2016年获得国家杰出青年科学基金项目资助,2014年获得“中国管理学青年奖”,入选中组部首批“青年拔尖人才支持计划”(“万人计划”)、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。主要研究方向包括政策过程理论、智库和专家参与、转型与公共治理等。著有《中国专家政治》(The Politics of Expertise in China, 2018)、《中国智库的兴起》(The Rise of Think Tanks in China, 2013)两本英文专著,以及《政策变迁中的专家参与》(2012)、《中国思想库:政策过程中的影响力研究》(2009)两本中文专著。在《公共行政研究与理论杂志》(Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory)等多家国际学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,在《中国社会科学》《社会学研究》《管理世界》等中文学术期刊上发表论文数十篇,并在《人民日报》《光明日报》等报刊上发表文章数十篇。
Chapter OneSeveral Basic Issues Concerning “Think Tanks”
11Debates on the Concept of “Think Tanks”
12Differences Between China and Other Countries
13Literature Review on Think Tanks
Chapter TwoChinese Think Tanks in Reform and OpeningUp
21First Stage: 19781991
22Second Stage: 19922001
23Third Stage: 20022012
24Fourth Stage: 2013Present
Chapter ThreeDiversified Chinese ThinkTank System
31SemiOfficial Think Tanks
32UniversityAffiliated Think Tanks
33NonGovernmental Think Tanks
Chapter FourNew Actors Connected with Operating System of Think Tank
41“Small” Think Tanks,“Big” Network
42Academic Community
43Research Funds
Chapter FiveProblems and Suggestions
51Goal for the Construction of NewType Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
52Problems in the Development of NewType Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
53Suggestions on Strengthening the Construction of NewType Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics
AppendixBigDataBased Index of China Think Tanks (2016 and 2017)