Chapter 1 Rich History
1.1 From Wheels to Stars
1.2 Myths and Legends
1.3 Early Scientific Research
1.4 Flight in Balloons
1.5 The Era of the Dirigible
1.6 Heavier—Than—Air Aircraft Development
1.7 Wright Brothers’Flyer I
1.8 The Adolescence of Airplane
1.9 The Golden Age of Aviation
1.10 Airplanes in the World War II
1.11 Jet Airplane
1.12 Advances in Aeronautics
Chapter 2 Basic Aerodynamics
2.1 The Atmosphere
2.2 Atmospheric Regions
2.3 Continuity Equation
2.4 Bernoulli’S Principle
2.5 About Viscous Flow
2.6 About Compressibility
2.7 Wind Tunnels
Chapter 3 AirfoilWing and Airplane
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Airfoil Lift
3.3 Wing Lift
3.4 Airplane Lift
3.5 High Lift Devices
3.6 Wing and Airplane Drag
3.7 Mach Number Effects
Chapter 4 Elements of Airplane Performance
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Equations of Motion
4.3 Drag Curves
4.4 Power Curves
4.5 Range and Endurance
4.6 Gliding Flight
4.7 Climbs
4.8 Takeoff and Landing
4.9 Turning Flight
4.10 V—n Diagram
Chapter 5 Airplanes’Stability and Control
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Coordinate System
5.3 Control Surfaces
5.4 Stability Definition
5.5 Longitudinal Control Analysis
5.6 Longitudinal Stability
5.7 Directional Stability and Control
5.8 Lateral Stability and Control
Chapter 6 Aircraft Propulsion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Airplane Propellers
6.3 Piston Engines
6.4 Turbojet Engines
6.5 Afterburners
6.6 Turbofan Engines
6.7 Turboprop Engines
6.8 Turboshafl Engines
6.9 Ramjets
Chapter 7 Airplane Structure
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Mechanics Conception
7.3 An Airplane’S Loads
7.4 Structural Layout
7.5 Component Sizing
Chapter 8 Airplane Instruments
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Early Airplane Instruments
8.3 Instrument Classmcation
8.4 Typical Instruments
8.5 Navigation Conception
Appendix Classification of Aircraft